Poisionous Spiders in North Carolina and North America

 Bradley found that there are two poisonous spiders common to North Carolina and North America.  The black widow  likes the underside of rocks or wood, sometimes living in dense brush. This is the easier recognized of the two poisonous spiders in North Carolina. The adult females are black with a red hourglass shape on their belly. However color of the hourglass can be from white to yellow as well.

The Brown Recluse is a night time hunter and like dark places to live. They live under woodpiles, rocks, and other cover when living outdoors. If they move in with you they tend to like bathrooms, basements and attics. They like to hide in  cardboard boxes and in clothes or shoes in closets, which leads to the most common reason of a human being bitten by one.

You need to get treatment if bitten because of the venom being so poisonous and dangerous.  Avoid these spiders if possible.

What do you think is a spider an insect?   Why or Why not?   There are many other variety of spiders in the United States.

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