Teaching Others About Why Care about Water?

Water collage (2) Second grade students recently did an inquiry project about water.  They want to teach you a few things about conserving water so that everyone has clean water available.  These are their suggestions of what we all should be doing.

  • Take shorter showers.  Turn off the water while you soap up then turn back on to rinse.  Take showers instead of baths.
  • Wash car with a bucket and sponge rather than a hose to save water.
  • Fix toilet leaks.  (You can figure out if you have one by putting food coloring in the tank and if it shows in the bowl then it needs fixed.
  • Turn water off while you brush your teeth.
  • Use water from the washing machine to water garden.
  • Don’t let water run off and down the drain when watering the lawn.  Water the lawn early or late in the day so it doesn’t evaporate.  
  • Clean up after your pet so it doesn’t pollute the water.  Toss into garbage.
  • Plant trees  to shade the water area.
  • Keep animals (like cows, hogs, horses) away from the water so they don’t pollute it.  Let them have a separate place to drink.
  • Wash full loads of clothes.
  •  Wash dishes and then turn on water to rinse.  (if you use dish washer then make sure that you clean food off in trash and use a shorter time to wash.
  • Don’t let chemicals and oil get into the water supply.
  • Use buckets of water to clean instead of hose.
  • Sweep off driveway instead of using hose to wash.
  • Don’t toss trash into water supply/streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans.
  • Water flowers with bucket.
  • Make sure factories don’t dump chemicals and waste into the water.
  • Clean up around water supplies often.
  • Use a small amount of water when possible.
  • Collect  rainwater in buckets, barrel to water gardens, yards and plants.

Remember that the water drop here affects others in other parts of the world so help keep local water clean so others around the world has clean water.  We want to all be able to have fun and enjoy water activities like canoeing, swimming, fishing so keep our water clean and conserve it because it is LIFE FOR ALL LIVING THINGS!

group canoe trip


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