What is Autumn?

Autumn is falling colorful leaves,

Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown, Green.

Weather turning chilly,

Animals gathering in food.

Flowers turning brown and dying.

The sun is not so bright.

The night gets longer.

The days get shorter.

It’s cold in the mornings.

You see lots of pumpkins

All orange, whiteaand striped (green and orange)

Decorated pumpkins, craved faces for jack-o-lanterns.

Halloween decorations!

Thanksgiving turkey and delicious meals with family.

Candy, Candy, Candy lots of it at Halloween.

You start to see Christmas trees being cut.

We see more deer out feeding.

Kids playing outside.

Gathering leaves and jumping in them.

You heard the wind blowing.

Butterflies and birds flying south.

You hear kids saying “Boo” and ” Trick or Treat”.

You hear leaves whistling!

You see kids dressed up as scary things.

You have Fall Festivals.

Written by Roadrunners.

5 thoughts on “What is Autumn?

  1. Hi Roadrunners,

    It’s 3/4 K here, all the way from Australia.
    We liked your Autumn poem. It’s not Autumn in Australia, it is spring here.
    We celebrated Halloween last night, some of us went trick or treating. Some of our favourite lollies we got were popping canding, lolly pops, and sherbet. What kind of lollies do you like?
    Halloween is not as popular here as in America, we were wondering how the holiday got started. Why do we celebrate halloween? Do you know?

    Happy Halloween,
    From 3/4K and Miss Kenny.

  2. In ancient times in Ireland and Britain the people celebrated the dead, the harvest coming in and they were trying to keep away ghosts and goblins so Halloween started. The people started carving faces in food like turnips, beets, watermelon, potatoes, gourds and onions to keep away the bad spirits. Trick or Treating started on All Souls Day when people knocked on doors and prayed for dead family members and they earned food so it is thought that is why the custom of Trick or Treating began. People moved from Ireland and Britain and brought their customs to the United states and then Halloween was set for October 31st.
    It was called All Saints Day and it started with a festival celebrating the harvest. So kids now go door to door to get candy.
    Our favorite candies are chocolate bars, bubble gum, lollipop, Reese’s peanut butter cups, sour patch, skittles, M & M’s, sour gummies, gummy people, war heads, and tiny Hersey’s kisses. Cherry Twizzlers, Airheads.

    • Hello everyone,

      I really liked reading your poem. We were learning about different poems recently too. We wrote limerick, haiku, cinquain and quatrain poems. I liked writing these types of poems because they were so structured. For example, a haiku poem is about nature and has three lines with 5 – 7 – 5 syllables respectively. Was it hard to write your poem?

      Reading about your favourite candies (we say lollies or sweets) brought back memories of when someone gave me some Reese’s peanut butter cups and Hersey’s lollies from a trip to America. Very occasionally we see them in supermarkets here, but not often. Like you, I really like chocolate bars. Do you have Moro bars? They’re a bit like Mars Bars but better!

      I’m really looking forward to our quad blogging project!

      Miss Crowther
      3/4C, UPPS, Australia

  3. Hi Mrs Todd
    im a grade 3 boy in 3/4 K i was wondering which part of america your school is in i was studying north america in term 3. I know alot about north america now also your post says it was at 10:58 Am now is that american time? i know your 1 day behind us be greatful your not in sandy poor new yorkians.

    Thanks for letting me know about halloween

    bye Cam

  4. Hi Roadrunners
    I really love your Autumn poem! I am intrigued because I thought ‘Autumn’ was a British word and Americans always used ‘Fall’. Although we celebrate Hallowe’en here too, it is closely followed by Bonfire night which is perhaps my preferred Autumn festival that we celebrate, because it is more about families, and I love the fireworks! We light big bonfires with dummies on the top called ‘guys’ after Guy Fawkes. Bonfire night commemorates a very British event, when Guy Fawkes ‘gunpowder plot’ to blow up the houses of parliament was foiled. Nowadays people gather together and have bonfire night treats – hot soup, parkin, bonfire toffee, hot dogs… and hold sparklers – small hand-held fireworks. The bigger fireworks are usually let off in organised displays, we have a big display in Leyburn (near Middleham) which EVERYONE goes to! The firework display is amazing and you get to meet all your friends in the dark and share your sparklers!
    We’re really looking forward to quad blogging with you soon.
    Mrs Monaghan

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